The Gateway Guardians
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The Gateway Guardians Have Returned!

The Gateway Guardians are once more patrolling the streets and skies of St. Louis! From the ashes of the group decimated by alien invasion, a team of heroes has risen to continue the fight against crime and injustice!


Our Police Departments have done an amazing job of protecting the citizens of the city, despite the fact that they are understaffed, under-funded, and spread thin among a growing population. As the population rises, it gets harder for them to patrol and protect everyone. Street gangs and organized crime flourish the vacuum this creates, and are extremely difficult to apprehend, and more difficult yet to keep off the streets.

As the organized crime increases, the greater St. Louis area becomes a more and more difficult and dangerous place to live. Small businesses pay protection or face damage, injury, or even death. Homes are no longer safe from thieves. Drive-by shootings and other violent crime take their toll of guilty and innocent alike.

Worst of all, the children of today may see that crime does pay, that the easiest - or only! - way to succeed is to cheat, to steal, to strong-arm, to descend to the level of the criminals they see around them.

What are you doing?

It is time to bring back safety, law, order, and to protect the average citizen so they may succeed in their pursuit of the American Dream!

How can you do this?

We work with local law enforcement whenever possible, going places and doing things they may not be able or equipped to do. We have our own skills and equipment, and abilities that others do not expect and often can not stop. We bring high technology, magic, and paranormal abilities to bear against the miscreants who have used them against the law-abiding citizen for too long.

Who are you?

We are a group of like-minded individuals who have decided that we can no longer stand by and watch the society we live in decay around us. We are going to fight back, and stop the criminals on their own terms.

Who are you doing this for?

We do this for every man, woman, and child in St. Louis who has felt that there is nothing that they can do. We do this to help the police, who are stymied by shyster lawyers and a system which makes it difficult for them to gather evidence against the more subtle tactics of organized crime.

When we feel St. Louis is more secure, we will spread our attention outwards. This problem exists in many cities, and is just as dire in all of them. We're starting here.

How can I help?

If you know something that the Police Department has been unable to cope with, please contact us! If it is too complicated, too strange, too well-covered up, or too unbelievable for the police to handle, we may be able to help. We always want to hear about movement and activities of any street gang or organized crime.

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