The Gateway Guardians
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The Gateway Guardians


Bonfire is strong, tough, and fiery. Her body is apparently made of lava, making her highly resistant to most kinds of attacks and causes burns on people and things foolish enough to challenge her. She runs at a respectable clip, and packs quite a wallop when she hits something! She is sick of seeing people taken advantage of, especially by those with paranormal abilities.

Electric Fox

Electric Fox can't stand by and watch the town he grew up in fall prey to the unscrupulous. Turning his mind to the problem, he built a special suit which protects and empowers him to fight back against the heavily armed and organized groups who plague the city. His power-armor is tough, he can fly, and he shoots lightning bolts.


Quiet, dark, and fast, Vivace is a rarely-seen and dangerous member of the team. Working from the shadows, he gathers information, finds those who don't want to be found, and brings down swift justice. He can stop half a dozen men with a flurry of blows, dodge their bullets, and vanish almost before they know what hit them.

Our Allies

The St. Louis Police Departments

We couldn't do what we do without the assistance of the brave professionals in our local police departments. They bring the legal force to arrest and detain criminals and keep them off the streets. They staunchly go out and walk a beat in the neighborhoods, without flying suits or invulnerable bodies. We would be lost without them, and deeply appreciate the important work they do, and hope our assistance can make them more effective and safer.


Our friends at GRYPHON have both given us critically needed assistance and well-thought advice. What other organization would be set up properly to deal with a collection of cursed magical weapons, an angry teleporter, and unstable super-technology, much less all three? It has been a pleasure to work with these resourceful and skilled individuals.

The Crimson Star

Gang members across the city tremble at the thought that The Crimson Star might be watching them. Her direct and sometimes painful attacks on all the gangs of the city have them terrified of her. While she has not always gotten along well with law enforcement, she is on the same side and unquestionably works towards the goal of removing what she sees as a cancer from the city. Her work and ours complement each other, and we are happy to work with her when she needs our assistance.

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